How to Combine Trading Strategies

By Tim Maunsell

a hand interacting with a digital display of financial data, including candlestick charts

Combining diverse forex trading strategies enhances portfolio resilience by mitigating risk and optimizing returns. It can help leverage the strengths of each strategy, providing adaptability to varying market conditions. Investors gain from a well-rounded, dynamic approach that improves the risk-reward profile in the challenging forex landscape.

In this article, we will learn how to combine different trading strategies when trading forex.

What does combining strategies mean?

Combining trading strategies means using multiple trading approaches or methods simultaneously to make more well-rounded and informed decisions. Traders often integrate various technical analysis tools, indicators, or trading styles to create a comprehensive strategy that leverages the strengths of each component. Combining strategies aims to mitigate weaknesses in individual approaches and enhance overall trading effectiveness.

Advantages and risks of combining trading strategies


  • Diversification: Combining strategies allows traders to diversify their approach, reducing reliance on a single method. It can enhance portfolio stability and performance across different market conditions.
  • Adaptability to market conditions: A combination of strategies enables traders to adapt to diverse market conditions. Traders can navigate changing dynamics effectively by utilizing strategies suitable for trending, ranging, or volatile markets.
  • Reduced emotional impact: Emotions often influence trading decisions. Combining strategies provides a systematic approach, reducing emotional impact. It promotes disciplined trading, enhancing overall decision-making.
  • Better risk management: By integrating strategies with different risk profiles, traders can create a more robust risk management framework. This helps spread risk across various approaches, reducing the impact of adverse market conditions on the overall trading portfolio.


  • Complexity: Managing multiple strategies can become complex. Traders may need help to monitor and execute various components effectively, leading to confusion and potential errors.
  • Over-optimization: Optimizing multiple strategies for historical data may result in overfitting, where strategies perform well in the past but fail in live markets. Over-optimization can lead to false expectations and poor future performance.
  • Conflicting signals: Different strategies may generate conflicting signals, causing uncertainty in decision-making. Traders must carefully manage conflicting signals to avoid confusion and potential trading errors.
  • Increased transaction costs: Executing multiple strategies may involve increased transaction costs, impacting overall gains. Traders should consider the cost implications of combining strategies and ensure they do not outweigh potential gains.

Top 5 tips to combine different forex strategies together

Correlation assessment

Regularly evaluating the correlation between the individual strategies is crucial for effective risk management. Traders minimize the likelihood of simultaneous failures or losses by ensuring low correlation. Independent signals from each strategy contribute to a more resilient overall approach, helping them navigate various market conditions with a reduced risk of systemic failures.

Timeframe alignment

Aligning the timeframes of the combined strategies is essential for maintaining consistency and coherence in the trading approach. When timeframes are harmonized, conflicting signals are minimized, and the strategies work together rather than against each other. This synchronization ensures a smoother execution of trades and helps capitalize on opportunities with a unified perspective, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the trading strategy.

Continuous monitoring

Implementing a system for continuous monitoring and adaptation of the combined strategies is essential for staying responsive to changing market conditions. Markets evolve, and ongoing assessment allows traders to make timely adjustments, ensuring the strategies remain effective. This proactive approach helps them avoid potential pitfalls. It capitalizes on emerging opportunities, fostering a dynamic and resilient trading strategy that can adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the forex market.

Risk calibration

When combining different forex trading strategies, an often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the calibration of risk parameters. The tip here is to carefully adjust the risk associated with each strategy to align with the overall risk tolerance for one's combined approach. This step is foundational for effective risk management, ensuring that no single strategy disproportionately influences the overall portfolio. By calibrating position sizes and risk levels, traders create a balanced risk-reward profile, promoting stability and guarding against significant losses.

How to combine trading strategies

Identify individual strategies

Begin by identifying and understanding the individual trading strategies one intends to combine. Each strategy should have a distinct approach and purpose.

Define objectives

Clearly define the overall trading objectives. Determine whether the combined strategies aim for enhanced returns, risk diversification, or a specific balance between risk and reward.

Evaluate strategy compatibility

Assess how well the individual strategies complement each other regarding market conditions, timeframes, and the overall trading philosophy.

Check correlation

Examine the correlation between the strategies. Ideally, they should not be highly correlated to ensure that they provide diversification rather than redundancy.

Allocate capital

Determine how much capital one needs to allocate to each strategy within the combined approach. This allocation should align with one's risk tolerance and overall portfolio management goals.

Implement risk management

Establish a comprehensive risk management plan for the combined strategies. This includes setting stop-loss levels, position sizing, and exposure limits to effectively manage potential losses.

Backtest the combination

Conduct historical backtesting to assess how the combined strategies would have performed in various market conditions. This helps identify potential strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Adjust timeframes if necessary

If the combined strategies operate on different timeframes, consider adjusting them for better synchronization. This ensures a more cohesive and coordinated approach to trading.

Monitor real-time performance

Implement the combined strategies in a simulated or real trading environment. Monitor their performance in real-time, observing how they interact and respond to changing market conditions.

Regularly review and reassess

Periodically review the performance of the combined strategies. Assess whether they continue to align with the objectives and make adjustments as needed to enhance effectiveness.

Document trades and adjustments

Keep a detailed record of each trade and any adjustments made to the combined strategies. Documentation facilitates post-analysis and helps refine the approach over time.

Experiment with combining multiple strategies

Combining forex strategies amplifies trading efficacy, offering a balanced response to market dynamics. Especially in forex trading, a unified strategy provides a strategic advantage, aligning with ever-changing market conditions for sustained trading.

While the advantages include diversification, adaptability to market conditions, reduced emotional impact, and better risk management, traders may also encounter potential challenges. The complexity of managing multiple strategies, the risk of over-optimization, conflicting signals, and increased transaction costs are considerations that demand careful attention. It’s important to keep in mind that regardless of which strategy traders opt, there will always be risks and challenges involved.


All material published on our website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered personal advice or recommendation. As margin FX/CFDs are highly leveraged products, your gains and losses are magnified, and you could lose substantially more than your initial deposit. Investing in margin FX/CFDs does not give you any entitlements or rights to the underlying assets (e.g. the right to receive dividend payments). CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss.

Picture of Tim Maunsell

About the author

Tim Maunsell

Tim Maunsell is a dedicated financial expert with a passion for simplifying complex financial concepts for everyday readers. With over a decade of experience in the finance industry, Tim has worked with both individual clients and corporate entities, providing insights into investment strategies, market analysis, and financial planning. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Sydney and frequently contributes to leading financial blogs and publications. When not writing, Tim enjoys exploring new financial technologies and mentoring young professionals in the field.