Why Trade Forex?

mobile phone displaying real-time trading

As the largest financial market globally, Forex trading is one of the most popular investment avenues for many. The liquidity and huge trading volume make Forex trading an option worth exploring.

Here are some benefits of Forex trading that set it apart from others:

  1. Transaction costs are low

    The transaction costs associated with a Forex trade are extremely low. Most are lower than 0.1% and can even go down to 0.07%. Low costs make it easier for more people to trade.
  2. You can trade more with less

    Traditional investment routes such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds need you to invest a chunk of your investment capital. In contrast, you can dabble at Forex trading with a fraction of the capital.
  3. Unparalleled liquidity

    The Forex market records a daily turnover of $5.1 trillion, making it one of the world’s most liquid markets. As a result, you can buy or sell whenever you wish without getting stuck with a trade.
  4. The market is open 24 hours

    Stock markets have fixed trading hours. However, the Forex market is operational round the clock. You don’t have to wait for the opening bell on a Monday morning. You can trade at your convenience.
  5. It is not easy to manipulate

    Given its liquidity, a single individual or corporation can’t manipulate the Forex market or control Forex trading. That’s why you can trade confidently without the fear of someone rigging the market.
  6. Anyone can trade

    Several platforms allow you to start trading with as little as $100. Due to the low entry barriers, anyone with a basic understanding of how Forex markets work can start Forex trading.

Ready to explore trading opportunities?

If you are convinced why you should trade Forex, head over to our platform. Simply set up an account and start your forex trading journey with as little as $100.