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Crypto traders can enter yield farming to earn additional returns on their crypto holdings by participating in decentralized finance protocols. It offers opportunities for passive income through rewards and incentives, leveraging liquidity provision and staking.

In this article, we will learn everything about yield farming in crypto and how it works.


What is yield farming in crypto?

Yield farming in crypto is a practice where traders/investors use their cryptocurrencies to earn rewards or interest by participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. These protocols are smart contracts built on blockchain platforms that provide financial services without involving traditional financial intermediaries. 


How does yield farming work?

Yield farming works in four simple steps –

  1. Investors provide liquidity to the decentralized exchanges (DEX) by depositing their cryptocurrencies in liquidity pools or lending protocols.
  2. In return for supplying liquidity, investors earn rewards. These include interest, fees from trades, additional tokens, and more. These rewards are distributed as a percentage of the total liquidity provided as an incentive for participation.
  3. A yield crypto farmer also stakes their cryptocurrencies in specific DeFi protocols to earn additional income. They lock up funds by investing in. Cryptocurrency through a smart contract to support protocol stability or network operations.
  4. The last step is to claim or harvest the rewards earned from the liquidity pool.


Types of yield farming

Liquidity provision 

Liquidity provision yield farming involves depositing cryptocurrency assets into a liquidity pool on a decentralized exchange to facilitate crypto trading. Investors, in return, earn rewards in terms of transaction fees from trades and additional tokens. For example, traders can provide Ethereum (ETH) to a pool and earn a share of trading fees. 


Lending is a type of yield farming where inventors lend cryptocurrency assets to a decentralized lending platform in exchange for interest or collateral. They earn rewards in terms of governance tokens from the lending protocol and regular interest payments. For example, investors can lend USDT to earn an interest. 


Staking is another form of yield farming. It involves locking cryptocurrency assets in a staking contract to support a blockchain network’s governance and operations. Traders/investors earn staking rewards in return in the form of the same or different cryptocurrency. For example, traders can stake ETH in the Ethereum 2,0 network to earn more ETH as a reward. 

Yield aggregation

Yield aggregation is the automated process of staking and collecting rewards on behalf of the staker. Traders/stakers use platforms that automatically allocate crypto assets across different yield farming strategies to maximize returns. Traders earn rewards through a performance fee and aggregated yield from multiple strategies. 

Dual yield farming

Dual yield farming focuses on providing liquidity or staking so that the investor simultaneously earns rewards from two different sources, tokens, or protocols. Investors earn double rewards from a liquidity pool and additional income from the yield farming protocol. For example, an investor provides liquidity to a pool on a DEX and then stakes the liquidity pool tokens in a separate yield farming protocol, earning additional rewards. 


Advantages and risks of yield farming 


  • High volatility and impermanent loss: Price fluctuations and changes in crypto asset values can lead to potential losses compared to simply holding the assets
  • Smart contract vulnerabilities: Bugs in smart contracts can result in loss of funds
  • Platform risk and lack of regulation: DeFi platforms are less regulated, which increases the risk of platform failure or mismanagement
  • Potential for rug pulls or scams: Risk of malicious actions or fraudulent schemes that can result in loss of investments


  • Diversification of investments: Allows spreading crypto assets across various DeFi protocols and liquidity pools
  • Flexibility in strategies: Offers various strategies to optimize returns, including lending, staking, and liquidity provision
  • Opportunity to earn additional tokens: Provides extra rewards or incentives in the form of governance tokens or protocol-specific tokens
  • Participation in DeFi ecosystems: Engages with decentralized finance platforms, contributing to a more inclusive financial system


Step-wise guide to use a yield farming strategy in crypto

1. Research yield farming opportunities

Investigate various yield farming options and DeFi protocols. Thorough research helps identify the most promising and reliable yield farming opportunities, reducing the risk of investing in less reputable or less gainful options.

2. Select a suitable platform

Choose a DeFi platform that aligns with the research and offers the yield farming strategy one is interested in. Ensure the platform is reputable and has a good track record.

3. Acquire the necessary tokens

Obtain the cryptocurrencies or tokens required for the chosen yield farming strategy. This may involve purchasing tokens from an exchange or swapping assets.

4. Provide liquidity

Deposit the tokens into the chosen liquidity pool or staking contract on the DeFi platform. Follow the platform’s instructions for adding the assets.

5. Monitor yield and performance

Check the yield farming performance regularly, including rewards earned, yield rates, and the overall health of the liquidity pool or staking contract.

6. Manage risks

Implement risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss limits, diversifying investments, monitoring market volatility and smart contract security.

7. Reinvest or withdraw earnings

Decide whether to reinvest the earned rewards into additional yield farming opportunities or withdraw them for use elsewhere.

8. Review and adjust strategy

Periodically review the yield farming strategy based on performance and market conditions. Make adjustments to optimize returns or adapt to changing circumstances.


Optimize yield farming in crypto to maximize returns

Utilizing yield farming involves monitoring key indicators like Annual Percentage Yield (APY), which shows potential returns; Total Value Locked (TVL), indicating the popularity and stability of a protocol; and Liquidity Pool Depth, which reflects the available liquidity and potential for earning rewards. These indicators guide informed investment decisions and optimize yield farming strategies.


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